This traditional Italian spaghetti dish from Tuscany is a delicious combination of ground beef, pork, San Marzano tomatoes, and fresh herbs in a red wine...
This traditional Italian spaghetti dish from Tuscany is a delicious combination of ground beef, pork, San Marzano tomatoes, and fresh herbs in a red wine...
This make-ahead egg casserole features lasagna noodles, Classico® Four Cheese Alfredo pasta sauce and hash brown potatoes, making it great for brunch...
Luscious scallops and shrimp join sauteed mushrooms and broccoli in a creamy sauce to top spaghetti - a seafood lover's dream dinner. But best of all,...
Pasta cooks to perfection in Campbell's® Condensed Chicken Broth and is mixed with a comforting blend of Cheddar cheese, tuna fish, bread crumbs and Campbell's®...
Perfect for potlucks, this crowd-pleasing pasta twist on a classic Cobb salad with zesty ranch dressing, crispy bacon and creamy avocado is both hearty...
Perfectly al dente ravioli combines with crisp-tender root vegetables and delicate scallops for an elegant, easy meal. A pool of marinara sauce showcases...
Whip up an Italian-inspired dinner with this tasty and colorful recipe featuring broccoli, cauliflower, and red peppers tossed with pasta, chicken, and...
I discovered this recipe when on vacation in Camogli, Liguria in Italy. Traditional pesto without garlic is made in a pestle and mortar. This raw sauce...
Super quick prep and your family will love it! My children are dairy-intolerant; I have found that coconut milk is an excellent substitute for milk and...